Friday, November 03, 2006

Hi again!! I have updated lots of fonts and colours. I'm NOT going to update my blog till monday. However, I will be updating from monday to tuesday before i leave for malaysia... Anyway, If posts in tagboard unable to load/it's blank, CLick "R" on the Right of the tagboard to REFRESH! Anyway, 5 people from one class went to 3E7. I'm one of them!:) .. These are the people that go to 3E7 : Yi Qi, Qiu Mei,Nadhirah, Camillie n ME! LOL.. 42 people in the class leh... lol... Some people do so well also didn't go to best class... Hiz.. Not insulting them but It's true.! haha.. Anyway, Zi Hui, Good for u.. U went to the class u wished for!:) Good luck!

If U notice, My Borders/space for posts have been extended /enlarged! I finally knew how to enlarge the whole thing but below all the posts , on the right, there are still things below... Do scroll down and u will see my Tagboard and links.. My scrollbar colour has been chANGED! do Rate.

How to rate on Scrollbar colour / Blog grate??
  • Vote by clicking "SG IDOLS " At the left. Scroll downwards Until u see"support this blog " .. Click the button Below.
  • Tag my Tagboard By ::

  1. Name/Ratings(1-10) *1 is POOR , 10 IS excellent* /other comments.

EG:: Sy Yuan/10/Good Blog , very impressed! :=0)

Instructions available at the tagboard.

Remember to tag my tagboard..


Sy Yuan



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