Thursday, November 22, 2007

tHIS IS not a spam message/post!
I clicked on a button to install ACTIVE X CONTROL OF ANOTHER WEBSITE and my com kena virus after that! DO NOT Install ACTIVE X CONTROL and bewaRE of spam messages. I have found out that this virus is called:: WORM.WIN32. and it spreads via EMAIL and through installing active X CONTROL!Currently,it has spread through out all the softwares(XP,VISTA,WINDOWS 2000)and security risk is the highest(5).
BEWAREEE!!!!! thenn,.. now, my com kena virus.. prompting me to install e antispam software bt i rejected.

Signs that ur com is infected with this virus:
*Ur internet speed is very very slow!
*Ur com hangs almost 3-4 times every hour
*There are 3 icons appearing on the desktop and no matter how hard u delect, it wont go off.
*Prompting u to install e software to protect ur com
*ur com informs you of the virus and requests you to install an antivirus software.'

Dont worry, i have found the person who caused the damage to my com:

Short form of country: RU
Full name of country:RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Region: MOSKVA
Internet company: ZAO MTU-INTEL

he/she is the one who infected my com by virus as i was told to click a video on my tagboard and thru there, it requested me to install the ACTIVE X CONTROL and i tot its like e normal sofware and like every website that we go, we have to install active x control to view videos...I have reported spam and blocked her from tagging on my website.!


But dont worry, my web ( does not require any installation of softwares so there's no spam lah.. REPORT SPAM IF U SEE ANY !

Remember: DOnt install any website that u dun knoe.!Careful!

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