Wednesday, December 31, 2008


We know that bicycle thefts are always common around our country , under blocks of flats or anywhere.. And you see posters all around ,warning us to beware of bicycle thefts and remember to lock your vehicles and remove all precious items in your vehicles!
But have you ever wondered if your bicycle will still be stolen under a crime prevention banner?! How ironic right?! You will always read banners to remind yourself to secure your bicycles.

But, from these photos:

Have you ever wondered if you are one of the bicycle owners whose bicycles are stolen right under the banners?!I have been wondering why is this happening because i ride bicycle to alomst every where: supermarkets,community centres or MRT Stations...And to date, i have lost almost 4 bicycles.. Because of these thieves..

Perhaps, we should install some CCTV or place some scare-crow (those type placed in farms to scare the birds)!! Share your thoughts!

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